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*** - Blogs - Форум Димы Билана || Dima Bilan Forum

Катюша. Из неизданного.


Rating: 3 votes, 3.67 average.
by on 18.02.2010 at 12:10 (8434 )


    Катюша,ты по праву можешь гордиться этим двадцатисекундным эксклюзивом.
    молодец=) вообще кульно просто
    yeahh ! :P DIMA !!!!!!!!
    hope he comes to visit Greece on the 23th of September as some sites says so.
    Come on man, you have nothing to fear! :P Your fans are here for you!
    We love you! We will always be there for you and support you always and for ever, you know Why? Because we love what you love doing which is writting music and singing as well. So yeah come to Greece so that you can share with all of us your talent, passion, love for music and also give the happiness to all of those that haven't met you yet, to do so now!
    We love you and we hope to see you soon in Greece! In Athens, if possible! :P
    love you
    your fan Nefeli. xxx